Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Not A God

Dear Mr. Sensible (?) bible preacher, the Buddha is not a god and no prudent Buddhist will argue that the Buddha is a god (based on the idea you have from the word god). 

As told of the tale...

"Once, the Buddha was asked if he was a god. The Buddha replied that no, he was not a god. 
Then was he an angel? 
A spirit? 
Then what was he? 
The Buddha replied he was awakened."

Buddhism holds no such belief in a supreme personal creator god and, on the contrary, it denies the existence of a personal creator god. This would make Buddhism non-theistic.

Also, I’m just wondering. Why use your holy book (AKA bible) to reproach other religions? Your bible and your god have no power over other gods and religious beliefs - only blockheads like you will do such foolery.

Maybe instead of indoctrinating gullible folks with your fallacious preaching to get their bucks why not try attending a course about comparative religion so you will understand more and become a better person. 

Respectfully yours,
An Atheist

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