Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Bio Terrorist

I never knew that Osho was once a Bio-Terrorist. 

According to a report that I just read, he was once known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and he has this compound located in east of Portland, Oregon. In 1984, he tried to take over the local government by trying to join the county election through his cult followers. In order to win the election, Rajneesh's cult followers called Sannyasins (Truth Seekers) started cultivating salmonella bacteria and placed them in salad bars and coffee creamers on ten local restaurants. 

Despite the fact that this cause 750 people to get sick, it didn't work. They didn't win in the election. Because of this bio-terrorism act, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (AKA Osho) was deported back to India.

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