Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Angry At God

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the 3rd President of the United State of America said,  'The Christian God is a being of terrific character - cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.'

Christian: Aha! Therefore atheists are just angry at god! 

Nope, Thomas Jefferson was a deist, not an atheist. Anyways, atheism is the lack of belief in any god(s) so how can I become angry on something that I don't believe to exist? Yet, it is also normal for some fictional characters to piss us off. That's why we are angry with characters like Valentina (Darna's archenemy), Captain Hook (Peter Pan's nemesis), Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters, Emperor Palpatine and the Grand Moff Tarkin of Star Wars, Q from Star Trek, and Batman's The Joker. 

Now why blame only the atheists for disliking the Judeo/Christian god? Marcion of Sinope (d. c. 160.) son of a bishop in Sinope denounced the Creator (demeurge) god of the Old Testaments, as wicked and was the cause of evil in the world. He also considered this god capricious, violent, vindictive, tyrannical, and a petty-minded bungler. Don't tell me that Marcion was an atheist.

The late Philippine Senator Mirriam Defensor Santiago considered this god as an under achiever (just like Bart Simpson) yet she's no atheist.

When we talk about hate, I am more into disliking the bad effect of god-belief than the character. Well, the character is quite bad like the ugly effects that it gives: It is deterrent to innovations and progress. It allow superstitious, backward thinking to prosper - just think of how many children have died just because their parents forbid blood transfusion because they believed that their god doesn't allow it. It allows theocratic tyrants to justify their inanity. And the worst, it turns ordinary people into jerks. As they say, religion can make good men do evil.

Until next time.

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