Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Let Us Build A Straw-Man

Do you see what's wrong with this picture? Come on, take a good look.

According to this uh, "Christian propaganda" an atheist doesn't accept that a god created all things yet we believe that we are a product of dirt from the bigbang and somewhat magically evolved into humans.


It is very obvious that the dork who created that message and those people who post this doesn't understand science, The Bigbang, and evolution. 

So let me clarify this... 
Atheists are not convinced with the first claim because "god" is a supernatural explanation.

First, supernatural explanations are not scientific explanations. The reason for this is that science focuses on the natural world. Gods, devils, angels, genies. leprechauns, and faeries are outside the rules that govern the natural world.

Second, supernatural claims are not testable.

And third, supernatural claims can't be falsify.

Now, there are no dirt that came out with the Bigbang (that is IF you consider matter, space and time as dirt.) Also, the Bigbang is not considered as "the origin" of the universe." 

Now, humans don’t come from dirt. Only an ancient religious book has such an idea, but scientifically speaking humans evolved from a common ancestor where other mammals and apes also evolved from. That doesn't require magic. It only needs 3 conditions: 1. There is a population of things that make copies of themselves. 2. The copying process is not perfect. and 3. The copying errors lead to differences in the ability of offspring to survive and make copies of themselves. 


Creating straw-man arguments doesn't make you win an argument. It just shows how dumb you really are.

Until next time.

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