Friday, June 1, 2018

On the issue of Atheists and Bible Burning

Come on guys...

You can call me a coward for not supporting this bible burning activity, but do you think that such an activity will make your "atheism" the talk of the town? Not that I believe in "catching flies" but burning bibles will just make you look too uh... delinquents. I've been in a lot of burning lately in my college life, you guys don't want to look more of an activists in times where people don't trust those that don't believe a god.

Now, why not instead of burning bibles in Paco Park, why not rent a booth and introduce yourselves as atheists in the public? Make an OUT CAMPAIGN. I have done that at Luneta Park for 3 days and believe me, it's fun, pleasant and more exciting. There were even Christians that came to our booth to er... witness us, but it seems there were the one that were tongue tied.

Challenge yourself to come out an atheist and a good person at the same time.

The choice is yours.

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