Saturday, June 16, 2018

Invisible God?

Often, Christians have some funny ways to defend their "unseen" god. Some compare it to abstract ideas such as the mind, love, courage and worst, some equate their god to air. Maybe it's a kind of excuse - You can't see god because he's like air - PERIOD!

I find it hilarious!

Also, these Christians accuse atheists of what they called To see, is to believe.- "You don't believe God because you can't see HIM."

Nope. That's not the reason why atheists don't believe in a god. That a very shallow straw-man argument.

Frankly, I find such excuses very unconvincing. This is also what is known as the Divine Hiddenness Problem. Terence Penelhum, have pointed this out as one of theism's problem. According to Penelhum, the hiddennness of god is a reason why unbelievers have reasonable ground for their hesitation [God and Skepticism p. 158].

According to Christians, God's love is unconditional and that God wants his children to be save. Fundamentalist Christians are even suggesting that all you have to do is to believe in Christ. Now, if god is visible will it change everything?

What's wrong with a visible god? Christians who promotes god's invisibility doesn't suggest the difference of a visible or a non-visible deity and how will it affect free-will, God's divine plans, etc. If god is visible, will it hinder his plans? Will my faith and love to a visible god be of any difference from the faith and love to an invicible one? Does an visible god have an effect with salvation?

If you will try to read posts that defends the hiddenness of god, you will notice that the mood of these posts are quite poetic - it's like you're reading a book of poetry than a book of fact. Furthermore, most of the posts are too emotional. Experience and meaning are subjective. Dramatic lines and emotional outburst doesn't prove existence. What atheists want are objective evidence.

Another issue is that there are a lot of "invisible gods" out there that we can choose. If we are going to apply their logic of believing an invisible god, we are left with a profusion of deities. So what god do you want an atheist to believe? Allah? Yahweh? Brahma? Remember, these gods are all invisible.

It's really up to the believers to make good, convincing arguments to prove their god's existence. Giving some sort of a sorry excuse will not help. They are just creating a god out of thin air.

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