Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pensri Ching-Ching Booncharoen's booty-cheddar.

OK, obviously, the post made by a certain Pensri Ching-Ching Booncharoen (if that's "her" real name) is just one of those unsupported Christian blatant prevarication and I just wasted my time reading and answering it.

First, Intelligent Design is not biology, nor considered a science. Second, ecology is the bane of a certain religious myth - two words: Noah's Ark! 

Anyways, the science of ecology just gave us a good knock in the block in relation to the improbability of the Ark myth. Third, DNA is not "infinite complex" (whatever that means). There is only six feet of DNA inside each cell of our body. Now, six feet is far from being "infinite." Tardigrades? Now what does these cute little water bears have to do with the Ms. Booncharoen's religion and god? To think about it,  these tardigrades were not even mentioned in any holy books nor was ever considered as God's favorite, yet those water bears (whose environment is only as big as a dew drop) are almost indestructible compare to those who claim to themselves as the stewart of this world, created in the form and likeness of a god.  

Now, let's continue...

Astronomy? Good grief! With all the 8 planets in this solar system alone, only one speck of blue dot have life. The other "larger worlds" are just floating rocks and air bags - what so perfect about that? Everything is so far away - a waste of space. Planets collides, stars explodes, galaxies  collides with other galaxies and worst, a super nova explosion  can wipe out planets or an entire star systems (that may even have life!) - again, what's so perfect about that huh?

Archaeology? So what's the archeological "evidence" of the Exodus story, the Fall of Jericho or the massive Israelite invation of Canaan? None? 

Ah! So just because the bible mentioned real  places or people, that makes the bible historical right? Have  you ever read a historical fiction? King Kong mentioned New York, so that means King Kong really happened? No wonder bible  archaeology is known for the tricks of a con artist/fake archaeologist by the name of Ron Wyatt. Anyways, as Yair Zakovitch, professor of Bible at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said, "It's just not important, The Bible is for teaching. Its characters, its history are only tools for getting across ideas. The main thing in the Bible is not if there was an event, but the ideas and ideology that it represents. The authors of the Bible knew that history can be reshaped to express ideas."

History? Jesus is historical? Oh my. Now Ms. Booncharoen, can you name a Roman historian that chronicled the life of Jesus before 20-30AD? There are so many historians who lived and wrote in the suppose time of Jesus yet why the silence of historians like Dio Chrysostom, Justus of Tiberius, Hermogones,  Favorinus, Phlegon, Valerius Flaccus and Appian?   There were already historians living and writing at that time when the Christ suppose to made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. They were already there when the crucifixion with its attendant earthquake, supernatural darkness, and resurrection of the dead took place - when Christ himself suppose to rose  from the dead, and in the presence of 500 witnesses ascended  into heaven. All those marvelous events - the dead rising from the grave, water turning to wine, a man rising up to the clouds, earthquakes and sudden darkness,  yet not a single historian wrote about it? Strange.

Medicine… soul, afterlife?  So when did the soul and the after-life became a subject in medicine? I never recall studying anything about the after-life while taking BS Medical Technology in FEU. We have Bio chem, analytical chemistry and even anatomy, but a study about souls? 

OK, I stopped. 

The post is not worthy of a highbrow scrutiny. Frankly, what I see here is a bam and scram post, assembled to look like it was written intelligently, but further inspection will reveal nothing but booty-cheddar.  Without doubt, Ms. Booncharoen will not entertain questions and the thing I see about this Bravo Sierra is it was written just to brass off atheists - Well, WOOPIDOO!

*yawn* and I even gave it an effort - HOOREY! But it's OK. When we highlight puerility like this, I'm not the one who's going to look bad. 

Science and history deniers can always post crap like this out of their brown hole into Facebook or Twitter and obviously, the purpose is just to get noticed (as usual)  However,  these kind of posts are not written to kindle academic discussions. They are just jests, noisy rants and baseless dialect threap designed to poke the funny bone and not the thinking mind. Frankly, I’m tired of beating my fingers on kafoosters like Ms. Booncharoen's post.

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