Wednesday, February 28, 2018

It's science, bitch

I find it hilarious when Christians present a lot of so-called links from Creationists sites like The Discovery Institute and quotes of so-called creationist "scientists" like William Dembski, or Michael Behe as proof of their god. Or when they "mine quote" palaeontologist like Michael Benton and re-phrase them to sound like it approves their mythlogy.

Oh please...

Remember that science is falsifiable.

All those links and blah-blah-blah are useless if I will accept them as infallible proof. All it just say is that Benton or Behe thinks that this and that and whatever… That they have seen, or discovered proof (while ignoring legitimate scientific findings)that will "scientifically" prove god.

Then what?

Then it all boils down to, "My god magically created life. Accept it or go to hell." No evidence of this god presented. Just a tons of word play, a lot of apologetics and some 5-cent philosophy ( or may I just say excuses.)

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